Special Expedition Barents Sea

This extraordinary dog ​​sled expedition is demanding and is only suitable for advanced persons!

The Expedition Barents Sea takes us from our Huskylodge to Europe’s arctic northeastern Cape at the Barents Sea. The distance to cover on this tour will be 1100 kilometers, and we will drive through the northernmost areas of Norway, Sweden and Finland.

The landscape change of this expedition is extreme. We experience all the landscape types of the far north: fjell, taiga, tundra and the wild, arctic beaches and cliffs of the Barents Sea.

The expedition starts in the high mountain area of the Troms and northern Sweden. From Kilpisjärvi we enter Finnish territory. We pass through Finland’s highest mountain ranges and soon reach the northern, deeper forests of the taiga, they will accompany us for many days. This allows us to spend cozy evenings around the campfire.
Towards the middle of the tour we reach the mighty “Inari Lake” with its more than a thousand islands. We will spend several days on its banks. We cross it on thick ice. Soon we will reach the Norwegian border again.

There we are welcomed by the wild, wind-torn coast of the Varanger peninsula. Our destination is Vardø, the small village on the far north-eastern edge of Europe. In good weather you can see Russia on the other side of the Varangerfjord.


The distance to be covered, as well as the period of 25 tour days, require daily stage lengths of 40 to 60 kilometers. The routing must be adapted to the particular conditions on where the expedition makes best progress.

Should daily stages be shortened due to bad weather or other problems, this must be made up for on subsequent days. Then the days can often be longer.



28 days (25+3), arrival, 25 days on tour, 1 day in Vardø, departure


Only advanced


All landscapes from the north (Tundra, Taiga, Arctic)


Tent and some cabins

Short bath break in the Barents Sea before continuing sledding!


  • 15.000 €, 28 Tage (25+3)
    (≈ 172.500 NOK)
The price includes
  • Transportation airport Bardufoss/Vardø
  • Accommodation
  • Full board
  • Tour guide
  • Dog team
  • Reindeer fur
If necessary
  • Warm snowsuit
  • Winter boots
  • An extra sleeping bag

Minimum 4 Persons!

As with all major expeditions, good group dynamics are especially important! Everyday tasks have to be carried out by all participants of the tour: preparing food, dishwashing and up to the helping hand when repairing the sledges. We expect of all participants to be able to improvise and to tackle in all work! Here every participant has to find his tasks.

28 days together in a group is a long time. Therefore, we expect from all participants a high degree of social competence and the ability to assess their own limits.

Such long time spent together with dogs and people in all weather conditions creates special friendships and team spirit!

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The current season is fully booked.

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Good to know


Please note: On this tour, the process is a little different than on our other offers!
Day ONE (1) is the day of arrival on the Huskylodge. You must therefore book your flight to BARDUFOSS. On the SECOND (2) day is tour start! We pack the sledges and go through the tour on the map, discuss our tour routines, distribute the dog teams to the respective participants and off we go! On day TWENTY-SIX (26) we arrive in Vardø.

Mecca for ornithologists

We will spend the TWENTY-SEVENTH (27) day in Vardø. There we offer you the opportunity to explore the fantastic seabird world! Please note, however, that the activities must be adapted to the weather conditions.

Day TWENTY-EIGHT (28) is the day of departure.


The departure must be organized from Vardø. Vardø has its own small airport with daily connections to Kirkenes or Tromsø.

The most beautiful alternative, however, is a ride on the legendary Hurtigrute from Vardø to Kirkenes. The ships operate daily, and the journey takes about four hours. So the return flight can be booked from KIRKENES!


The current season is fully booked.