Good to know

Please note: On this tour, the process is a little different than on our other offers!
Day ONE (1) is the day of arrival on the Huskylodge. You must therefore book your flight to BARDUFOSS. On the SECOND (2) day is tour start! We pack the sledges and go through the tour on the map, discuss our tour routines, distribute the dog teams to the respective participants and off we go! On day TWENTY-SIX (26) we arrive in Vardø.

Mecca for ornithologists
We will spend the TWENTY-SEVENTH (27) day in Vardø. There we offer you the opportunity to explore the fantastic seabird world! Please note, however, that the activities must be adapted to the weather conditions.
Day TWENTY-EIGHT (28) is the day of departure.

The departure must be organized from Vardø. Vardø has its own small airport with daily connections to Kirkenes or Tromsø.
The most beautiful alternative, however, is a ride on the legendary Hurtigrute from Vardø to Kirkenes. The ships operate daily, and the journey takes about four hours. So the return flight can be booked from KIRKENES!